Warm-Up: 2 wall walk up, log roll to cone, 10 arm circles forward, 10 arm circles backward, 5 squats, 3 broad jumps, 25-yd high-knee skip, 25-yd back pedal
Focus: Rowing – legs > arms/arms > legs
9:00min AMRAP
75-meter row
12 mountain climbers
8 hollow rocks
Max Stack –Using soft but sturdy items such as ab mats and yoga blocks create stacks for kids to split hurdle. Gradually add to the stack to allow each child to attempt his or her own max running hurdle.
Focus: Rowing – legs > arms/arms > legs
9:00min AMRAP
75-meter row
12 mountain climbers
8 hollow rocks
Max Stack –Using soft but sturdy items such as ab mats and yoga blocks create stacks for kids to split hurdle. Gradually add to the stack to allow each child to attempt his or her own max running hurdle.