Warm Up: 400 m run, 15 burpee penalty (roll the yoga mats please:), 3 x10 jump squats, duck walks
Skill Focus: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Warm up to working weight and. . .
E3MOM 18 minutes
Push press + push jerk + split jerk @80% of 1rm push press
3 burpee muscle ups*
6 power snatches @115/75
50 double unders
*Scaling mod #1: 3x (1 burpee + 2 push ups + 2 c2b pull ups)
Scaling mod #1: 3x (1 burpee + 2 push ups + 2 pull ups)
Big Shout Out to CF Boot Camp: basic S & C is paying off big time. Lorne squats 150# 3 x 5
Happy Happy 45th Birthday to Scott! And yes, completing a half ironman will indeed "count" as your birthday finisher
How about our Taylar? I know she doesn't live here anymore:( but she's still "our" girl! First ever Grid MVP. Congrats!
Skill Focus: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Warm up to working weight and. . .
E3MOM 18 minutes
Push press + push jerk + split jerk @80% of 1rm push press
3 burpee muscle ups*
6 power snatches @115/75
50 double unders
*Scaling mod #1: 3x (1 burpee + 2 push ups + 2 c2b pull ups)
Scaling mod #1: 3x (1 burpee + 2 push ups + 2 pull ups)
Big Shout Out to CF Boot Camp: basic S & C is paying off big time. Lorne squats 150# 3 x 5
Happy Happy 45th Birthday to Scott! And yes, completing a half ironman will indeed "count" as your birthday finisher
How about our Taylar? I know she doesn't live here anymore:( but she's still "our" girl! First ever Grid MVP. Congrats!