Warm Up: quick stand- break into 2 teams- use 10lb plates to move across the turf. Athletes may only step on the plates. If they step on the turf the team must do 5 burpees to get back into the game.
Skill: practice good form for wall balls, plank holds, squat holds
10min AMRAP with a partner
Partner A- Plank hold
Partner B- 15 wall balls
Rest 3 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
Partner A- 15 Burpees
Partner B- squat hold
Skill: practice good form for wall balls, plank holds, squat holds
10min AMRAP with a partner
Partner A- Plank hold
Partner B- 15 wall balls
Rest 3 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
Partner A- 15 Burpees
Partner B- squat hold