"Row Days are my Rest Days"

Paula Jager
Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 14:00
Warm up:  250 row, 2 x 20 s hs hold, 10 squats, 10 sit ups, 10 push ups

A)  4 x 250 m row (rest 2 min btwn ea)

B)  6 min AMRAP
30 s (accumulated) HS hold (scale is oh plate hold AHAP)
10 alt pistols (scale is 20 air squats, no pistols mods today)

C)  6 min AMRAP
5 mb get ups AHAP
10 hand release push ups

Rest 2-5 min btwn AMRAPS
Score is slowest 250 m time and total rds including partials

The 8 am guns for the leaderboard

The 4:30 pm holds their own

And a thank you to Ray from CF Blur in Scottsdale AZ for dropping in and wodding with us.
