Paula Jager
Thursday, April 24, 2014 - 14:30
Warm Up:  400 m row/run; turf drills, leg swings, inchworms

Skill Focus:  Close Grip Bench Press
Warm up as needed and. . .

4x max effort close grip bench @70% of 1rm bench
Follow each set with a max effort pillar hold
Rest 90 seconds - 2 minutes between sets

5 rounds
400m row/run
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Score is average time of all 5 rounds
Post total cgbp reps and average time for score

Our Goal/Shout Out/PR board is overloaded!!  Great job to everyone on the PR's and meeting your goals.  Time to clear the slate and start anew.  If your goal has been met, it will be erased -- please set some new ones.  If your goal has not been met, please set a new timeline.

