Warm up: 300 m row/run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 5 ea db snatch, 10 squat jumps, 10 ring rows, 10 push ups, 25 mtn clmbrs
Skill Focus: Strict Pull Ups manual resistance, jumping,
manual assistance, negatives etc
Level 3: if you have at least 8 dead hang pull ups you will go for:
Weighted dead hang pull up 3 RM
Level 2: if you have less than 8 dead hang pull ups you will go for:
3 x max reps dh pull ups
Level 1: if you are working on dead hang pull ups you will:
Manual resistance or partner assisted 3 x max reps
EMOM for 10 min
Level 3: 1 power snatch, 1 hps, 1 hs @50-60% touch n go, speed!
Level 2: 1 power snatch, 2 hps
Level 1: 3 db snatch ea side
AMRAP in 7 min
7 push ups, 7 ring rows, 7 t2b, 1 plate push
Post 3 rm wgt pull up or max # reps and rds in amrap for score
Happy very belated Birthday to Coach Janet -- did you think we'd forget you? No way!
Skill Focus: Strict Pull Ups manual resistance, jumping,
manual assistance, negatives etc
Level 3: if you have at least 8 dead hang pull ups you will go for:
Weighted dead hang pull up 3 RM
Level 2: if you have less than 8 dead hang pull ups you will go for:
3 x max reps dh pull ups
Level 1: if you are working on dead hang pull ups you will:
Manual resistance or partner assisted 3 x max reps
EMOM for 10 min
Level 3: 1 power snatch, 1 hps, 1 hs @50-60% touch n go, speed!
Level 2: 1 power snatch, 2 hps
Level 1: 3 db snatch ea side
AMRAP in 7 min
7 push ups, 7 ring rows, 7 t2b, 1 plate push
Post 3 rm wgt pull up or max # reps and rds in amrap for score
Happy very belated Birthday to Coach Janet -- did you think we'd forget you? No way!