Thursday, May 23, 2013
Warm up: 250 m row; shoulder mobility; pass thrus x 10, jumping jacks x 10, seal jacks x 10, ring rows x 8, push ups x 8, plank up/downs 10 (tot)
Skill Focus: Power Clean and OH
Review of mechanics, build to working weight
EMOM for 12 min
2 power clean + 2 oh @ 80-90% of 1 rm push press
and then. . .
5 x max effort—2 min rest btwn sets. . . goal is 10-12 so go heavy
Db bench press
db bo row (both at same time)
Post bench/row weights and total number of all 5 sets
Reminders & Changes Class Schedule:
Saturdays: one Open class at 9:00 am only
Mon, May 27 memorial: One class only at 9:00 am all levels
Mon, May 27 Memorial Day: No CF Kids class
Happy 18th Birthday Thanasios!
And Happy 20th Birthday to Doug! We've got some fine young athletes at CF Jaguar!
Warm up: 250 m row; shoulder mobility; pass thrus x 10, jumping jacks x 10, seal jacks x 10, ring rows x 8, push ups x 8, plank up/downs 10 (tot)
Skill Focus: Power Clean and OH
Review of mechanics, build to working weight
EMOM for 12 min
2 power clean + 2 oh @ 80-90% of 1 rm push press
and then. . .
5 x max effort—2 min rest btwn sets. . . goal is 10-12 so go heavy
Db bench press
db bo row (both at same time)
Post bench/row weights and total number of all 5 sets
Reminders & Changes Class Schedule:
Saturdays: one Open class at 9:00 am only
Mon, May 27 memorial: One class only at 9:00 am all levels
Mon, May 27 Memorial Day: No CF Kids class
Happy 18th Birthday Thanasios!
And Happy 20th Birthday to Doug! We've got some fine young athletes at CF Jaguar!