May 15, 2013

Paula Jager
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 15:07
Wednesday May 15, 2013

Warm Up: 10 ball slams, push ball to cone, 10 push ups on ball, push ball to cone,
10 russian twists, push ball to cone

Skill Focus: Med ball clean

4 rounds of:
10 Med Ball Clean and pass
6 Partner Wall ball
4 rounds of:
20 sec tuck jumps
20 sec Plank roll-overs
20 sec Lunge walk


CF Kids Jagaur's Jr Athlete of the Month:  Vade B

"I like crossfit because it is not only about exercising, it`s also about having fun.  And its teaches you to be healthy and eat healthy.  I also like crossfit because of all the different types of exercises , some of my favorites are thrusters, deadlifts, kettlebell swings, box jumps, and prowler pushes.  Also i get to meet new friends.  AND THAT'S WHY I LIKE CROSSFIT!"

Well said Vade!  CF Kids Jaguar proudly salutes our first Jr AOM!