March 1, 2013

Paula Jager
Friday, March 1, 2013 - 07:28
Friday, March 1, 2013


Warm up: 400 m run; 3 x:  10 pass thrus, 10 pvc ohs, 10 swings 25#/15#, 5 burpees

Skill/focus:  Back Squat
warm ups:  2 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 2

Back Squat 3. 3. 3
1 x max reps @ 90%


1 min row
1 min rest
1 min swings 53#/35#
1 min rest
4 rds for max reps/cals
Post 3 rm sq and max reps + cals for score



Many thanks to Dr. Steven Noseworthy for the awesome seminar last night!  He presented both CF Jag members and guests with excellent leading edge research and information on overcoming metabolic disorders through clinical nutrition and functional medicine.  Dr. Noseworthy practices what he preaches -- a regular CF'r he first wodded with the 4:30 class -- a rough group to hang with I must say:).

For those that wish more information or to make an appointment you may contact him at  or or 813-235-0651
