September13, 2012

Paula Jager
Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 11:38
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Power Minute

Warm up:  100 jumpropes  both legs, 50 on the left, 50 on the right, 15 mb squat cleans

Skill/focus:  Power Clean
Take 10-12 min to build up to a heavy but not 1 rm power clean

EMOM for 20 min
3 power cleans @ 65-76% of your 1 rm
5 burpees
If you don't complete the set; finish it and set out the remainder of the set you overlaped
Score is weight used times # rds completed

Primal Fall Challenge:  Let the FAT Fall Off!  If you haven't already signed up--please do so.  Challenge starts this Monday, Sept. 17th.  Details of the challenge rules will be emailed to registered participants.  Everyone is responsible for getting their beginning weight, body fat and pictures taken no later than Monday (17th).  No appointments needed--just catch a coach before or after class.

Farm Day:  dont' forget this Sat there are no regularly scheduled classes as we will be working on the farm.  Please sign up now so that we can organize the car pooling.

