April 14, 2012

Paula Jager
Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 00:33
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Happy Birthday Bash to. . .
Lisa G, Andrew P, Jimmy C and Jenn C


Teams of 3-4

5 min max effort at each of the stations

-40 m prowler pushes
-total weight benched (2 benches per team, use db's)
-40 m tire drags
-total weight bo row (2 bars, ea rep from the floor)
-bean bag shuttles (2 go, 1 rest)
2 min btwn stations
Score is total reps/wgt per team at each station




Why, I asked Vic and Stephen would you want to do that?  Just at 2 hours for completion--full of pain and torture, why I asked at least 4 times during the wod.  This was Vic's idea.  It wasn't until the very end that I understood why when he answered me.  "It's a test of will."  Yes Vic, it is. . .salute to both of you.