October 6, 2011

Paula Jager
Thursday, October 6, 2011 - 11:44
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Max SpeedWarm up:  400 m run, running drills

800 m run for time, 2 attemps for MAX effort
5-7 min btwn efforts

50/10, 40/20, 30/30, 20/40, 10/50 of
hollow rocks
Post best/worst 800/time for score

The LeaderBoard was a rockin' today.  For the Beasts Dan smoked the pavement with a 2:13.66 and Adriana P did the same with a 2:48 for the She Beasts.  It didn't last long tho as Shaina S. took it back with a 2:45.   Coach Janet was not to be outdone and scorched it with a 2:37.50.

In addition to that, we had several other PR"S. . . Dawn, Sheree, Julian, Jason, Jen H, Michelle M, Steph L, Jesse, Stephen, Scott, Robby C., Phil, Carla L Perez, Carla M Perez, Jeff R., Cynthia, Sashy, Nicole J, Monique, Kate  and Zuli!

Outstanding everyone!


Check out our article in October's Natural Muscle magazine  https://crossfitjaguar.com/2011/10/crossfit-jaguar-mudder-up/

Sunday 10/9:  Tough Mudder Obstacle Course training run at 9:30 am.  You have until Friday afternoon to RSVP, don't miss the opportunity!  There is no group run at the trail, only the obstacle course run this weekend.  Also, spectator tickets for you family and friends are $15 available on the tough mudder site; they go up to $40 2 days prior.  Please inform your family/friends so that they can purchase them at the lower rate.
