August 17, 2011

Paula Jager
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 13:08
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

SDL 3. 2. 1

Warm up:  200 m run, 200 m backwards run;
2x:  10 push ups, 10 snatches 30#/20#

Skill/focus:  Sumo Deadlift
1 x 10, 1 x 5

sumo deadlift 3. 3. 2. 2. 1
rest 5 min

run 100 m backwards 4x
run 100 m forwards
100 double unders
50 kte
30 swings 70-75#/50-55#
20 box jumps 24"/20"
for time


I will have to say how very impressed I am with the progress that all the kids made this summer in the Jaguar Kids fitness classes.  Great squat form, kipping pull ups, improved mile times, team spirit, learned many new skills, improved nutritional habits and a lot of fun.   We are so proud of you guys and can't wait to continue with out back to school fitness program, starting Tues. Sept 6th.  Details to follow. . .
