Warm Up: 400 m row/run; 10 pvc pass thrus, 2x 10 w/ a slam ball dl/shrugs, power cleans, front squats
Skill Focus: Clean pull + Power Clean + Front Squat
Build to working weight with a few light sets
Skill Focus: Clean pull + Power Clean + Front Squat
Build to working weight with a few light sets
A) Take 20 min to build to today's 1rm clean
B) CF metcon
C) 3 x 6 walking lunges 135#/95#
D) 3 x 6 jumping squats w/ barbell in back rack position 95#/65#
B) CF metcon
C) 3 x 6 walking lunges 135#/95#
D) 3 x 6 jumping squats w/ barbell in back rack position 95#/65#
Warm-Up: 2 wall walk up, log roll to cone, 10 arm circles forward, 10 arm circles backward, 5 squats, 3 broad jumps, 25-yd high-knee skip, 25-yd back pedal
Focus: Rowing – legs > arms/arms > legs
Focus: Rowing – legs > arms/arms > legs
Warm Up: 400 m run, 15 burpee penalty (roll the yoga mats please:), 3 x10 jump squats, duck walks
Skill Focus: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Warm up to working weight and. . .
E3MOM 18 minutes
Skill Focus: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Warm up to working weight and. . .
E3MOM 18 minutes
Warm up: 2 x 4min TABATA kids choice on movements!
Skill: review movements in wod
In teams of 2
200m run
100 jump ropes or tuck jumps
10 KB deadlifts
20 wall balls
30 box jumps
Skill: review movements in wod
In teams of 2
200m run
100 jump ropes or tuck jumps
10 KB deadlifts
20 wall balls
30 box jumps
Warm Up: 1 Gasser, TMU of fast feet, swings, push ups, squats
In teams of 2. . .
400m run
200 double unders
30 deadlifts 225/155
60 wall balls 20/14
90 box jumps 30/24
In teams of 2. . .
400m run
200 double unders
30 deadlifts 225/155
60 wall balls 20/14
90 box jumps 30/24
A) Press 3 x 5 @90% of 5rm + 5# from last week
B) Build to today's heaviest split jerk in 5 sets increasing each time
C) CF Metcon
D) 3 x max push ups
B) Build to today's heaviest split jerk in 5 sets increasing each time
C) CF Metcon
D) 3 x max push ups
Warm-Up: Duck walk, forward roll, crab walk, forward roll, 25-meter high-knee skip, 25-meter pocket kickers
Skill: review WOD movements
With a partner 1:1
Skill: review WOD movements
With a partner 1:1
Warm Up: 400 m plate run 25#/15#; 2 x 10 oh walking lunges, 5 reverse balls tosses, 5 close grip ball push ups, 20 mtn clmbrs
In teams of 3, one partner works at a time
4, 8 minute AMRAPs
In teams of 3, one partner works at a time
4, 8 minute AMRAPs
A) CF Metcon
B) Muscle up work. 3 x max effort unbroken sets. If you can’t do them yet,
work on the transition, and accumulate 30 ring dips.
B) Muscle up work. 3 x max effort unbroken sets. If you can’t do them yet,
work on the transition, and accumulate 30 ring dips.