Warm up: 15 BURPEES for eeeeeverybody!!! 2 rds 5 push ups, 10 squats, 10 box jumps
Skill: Double Unders 15 min of skill work
People who have DU:
Max reps/unbroken or
Triple unders or. . .
Skill: Double Unders 15 min of skill work
People who have DU:
Max reps/unbroken or
Triple unders or. . .
Warm up: 400 m run; 2x: 10 air squats, 10 spiderman lunges, 20 knee to chest mountain climbers, 10 PVC good mornings
Skill: Back Squat 3. 3. 3. 3. 3 (increasing weight each set)
AMRAP 15 min
Skill: Back Squat 3. 3. 3. 3. 3 (increasing weight each set)
AMRAP 15 min
Warm-Up: 10 arm circles forward and backward, 10 lunges, 10 squats, 25-meter high knees , 25-meter butt kickers
Skill/focus: Sumo deadlift high pull
-- focus on zipping up your jacket
A) Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 75 – 80% (build if it feels good)
B) Crossfit Metcon
C) Rope climb practice; spend about 10min climbing the rope, trying different techniques, try to find your fastest method for getting to the top.
B) Crossfit Metcon
C) Rope climb practice; spend about 10min climbing the rope, trying different techniques, try to find your fastest method for getting to the top.
Warm up: 2x: 90 secs of jump rope, 5 Sotts press, 5 pass thrus, 5 burpees
Skill: Take 10-15 minutes to find a new Strict Press 2 RM
Skill: Take 10-15 minutes to find a new Strict Press 2 RM
A) Strict press 2RM, then 2 x max reps push press at heaviest strict press weight.
B) CF Metcon
C) 3RNFT; 7 candlestick to tuck jump, 14 alt pistols, 21 double unders
B) CF Metcon
C) 3RNFT; 7 candlestick to tuck jump, 14 alt pistols, 21 double unders
Warm up: 200 m run, 5 MB shrugs, 5 MB High Elbows, 5 MB cleans, 5 pull ups, 5 dips, 10 banded pull aparts
Skill: Clean position DL, Power Clean, Hang Power Clean complex
E2MOM for 12 minutes
Skill: Clean position DL, Power Clean, Hang Power Clean complex
E2MOM for 12 minutes
Warm-Up: Alligator crawl to con, forward roll down blue mat, broad jumps to con, 1 cartwheel, 15 second bar hang
Focus: Superman-hollow and perfect push up.
Focus: Superman-hollow and perfect push up.