Warm Up:2 log rolls ->15m Frog Hops to hurdles -> 15 hurdle jumps ->15 sit ups -> 15 m Roving plank back to log rolls
Skill: double unders
clean and jerk
Knees to elbow
Skill: double unders
clean and jerk
Knees to elbow
Skill -Split Jerk
12 min E2MOM - 4 x 2 @80%, 2 x 3 @80%.
Five rounds for time:
5 deadlift (135/95)
5 hang power cleans
5 front squat
5 push jerks
12 min E2MOM - 4 x 2 @80%, 2 x 3 @80%.
Five rounds for time:
5 deadlift (135/95)
5 hang power cleans
5 front squat
5 push jerks
Those not doing WOD JAMz: take an extra rest day this week and follow class programming! You have been going hard these last few weeks. Take it down a notch.
Those not doing WOD JAMz: take an extra rest day this week and follow class programming! You have been going hard these last few weeks. Take it down a notch.
Skill: Snatch Warm up to 80% of 1 rm. Every 90 seconds, two reps @80% for 8 total rounds (12 mins)
Three rounds, one minute at each station, one minute rest between rounds (stagger starting
Three rounds, one minute at each station, one minute rest between rounds (stagger starting
Teams of 2
800 m run*
25 OHS 75/55
50 Butterfly Sit Ups
75 Double Unders
25 Sumo DL High Pulls 75/55
50 box jumps overs 24/20
800 m run*
25 OHS 75/55
50 Butterfly Sit Ups
75 Double Unders
25 Sumo DL High Pulls 75/55
50 box jumps overs 24/20
Skill: Bench Warm it up to 75% of your 1 rm and. . .
Bench Press 3 x 5 @ 75%
WOD: 15 min Amrap
10 S20 115/75
10 hanging wipers (each side is one)* sub out wipers with a bar or on the ground (no weight)
10 Pistols
Bench Press 3 x 5 @ 75%
WOD: 15 min Amrap
10 S20 115/75
10 hanging wipers (each side is one)* sub out wipers with a bar or on the ground (no weight)
10 Pistols
- Back Squat; heavy single (pr if it feels good, but mainly just work hard and get heavy) then: 2 x 5 @ 83%
- B) CF Metcon
- C) 50m sled push, then 40 TTB for time. Sled weight; 4x45# plates for guys, 2x45#, 2x25# for women.