6-10 deficit db push ups scale to regular or incline push up when needed
10 renegade row (5/5) no push up
10 db rdl
10 db curl to press
15 banded pull-a-parts + pass through
Light medium weight
Bench 3x3@70/80/90+ ***
8-12 bb recline rows
***Based off 90% of your 1RMĀ
300m Run / 375m Row / 150 ft VC
30 Seated Arnold press or 15 HSPU
8 Alternating Turkish Get Ups 53/35lbs
30 Top Down Gorilla Rows 53/35lbs
300m Run 375m Row 150 ft VC
30 Toes to Bar
8 Wall Walks
30 Off Set Kettlebell Push-ups (half on each arm)
300m Run/ 375m Row/ 150 ft VC
Time Cap: 20mins