Thursday – We Command You To Grow

Paula Jager
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 21:00

With a partner
Row 3000m/2500m or VC 1200/1000 or Bike 6000m/5000m
Partner A- row/climb/bike
Partner B - 10 hollow rocks + 10 tuck ups + 10 SL v ups
(Switch whenever, but when you do complete 1 round of abs)
Row 3000m/2500m or VC 1200/1000 or Bike 6000m/5000m
Partner A- Row/VC/Bike
Partner B - 5 pull ups + 10 push ups
(Switch whenever, but when you do complete 1 round of push/pull)
For total time
100 db curls ≈ 20-10
* 20 hammer curls (both at the same time)
* 20 bicep curls (both at the same time)
* 20 external curls 
* 20 zottman curls
* 20 alternate crossbody curls