Warm up 2x
10/10 staggered LM RDL
10/10 staggered LM Bent Over Row
10/10 1/2 kneeling LM Press
1x Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats )
Deadlift 3x3@70/80/90** E2-3MOM, coaches’ discretion
***Based off 90% of your 1RM that you have added 10# to
Every 1:15 x 3 (stay light to moderate, work on speed)
Power Clean
Below the knee hang power clean
2 front rack reverse lunge
Rest 1:15
Every 1:15 x 3 (build off of the above)
Hang squat clean
Power clean
400m run
30 landmine rotations (standing or dual kneeling)
20 landmine goblet press out