Friday - Annie Esque

Paula Jager
Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 21:09

Pre Fatigue
2 Rounds
500m Row
20 BB Hollow Rocks
20 BB Tall Kneeling Press
20 Hollow Body BB Floor Press
20 BB Skull Crushers
20 tall kneeling press outs
rest walk 2mins between Rounds

Bench Volume Revisited
Emom x 8 @same weight**
8 bench press (add 5-10# to last time)

**tip pay attention to set 4
If you are charging through it add a little more for the final 4 sets
If reps 6-7-8 feel sticky, you are in the right place

If reps prior to that feel sticky take weight off just a little

WOD Annie esque
Double unders (scale jumping jacks)
Anchored sit ups (hands behind head)

Oly Snatch Work
EMOM x 8
Snatch high pull or pull
Hang power snatch (hang full)
Power snatch (snatch)

Focus on movement not load