Skill: Handstand Practice – 15-20 min
A) Work on inversion if uncomfortable being upside down
B) Wall Drills: (Work on being inverted and transferring weight from side to side)
a. Shoulder Taps
b. Hip Taps
C) Walk Aways
a. Holds - Preform a wall walk with nose to wall, kick one foot off the all at a time to find a balance and hold
b. Walk – Preform a wall walk and kick feet off and attempt to handstand walk
D) Handstand Walks
20ft Handstand Walk (Scale: 2 Pike Around Box – 2 Wall Walks – 30 Shoulder Taps)
10 Knee 2 Elbows (Scale: Knee Raises – Sit ups)
20ft Handstand Walk
10 Chest 2 Bar (Scale: 12 Pull ups – 14 Ring Rows)
Score is rounds + reps
A) Work on inversion if uncomfortable being upside down
B) Wall Drills: (Work on being inverted and transferring weight from side to side)
a. Shoulder Taps
b. Hip Taps
C) Walk Aways
a. Holds - Preform a wall walk with nose to wall, kick one foot off the all at a time to find a balance and hold
b. Walk – Preform a wall walk and kick feet off and attempt to handstand walk
D) Handstand Walks
20ft Handstand Walk (Scale: 2 Pike Around Box – 2 Wall Walks – 30 Shoulder Taps)
10 Knee 2 Elbows (Scale: Knee Raises – Sit ups)
20ft Handstand Walk
10 Chest 2 Bar (Scale: 12 Pull ups – 14 Ring Rows)
Score is rounds + reps