A) Skill: Double unders (15min)
Explanation and practice.
For those that have them, they will do:
10min EMOM
30 sec max DU, 30 sec rest
B) Metcon:
4min stations 3min rest between (each should be max effort)
1) 50/35 cal row, burpees in remaining time (score # of burpees)
2) 50/35 AAB cal, max sit ups in remaining time (score # of sit ups)
3) 600m run, max double unders in remaining time (score # of DU)
Each scored separately
Explanation and practice.
For those that have them, they will do:
10min EMOM
30 sec max DU, 30 sec rest
B) Metcon:
4min stations 3min rest between (each should be max effort)
1) 50/35 cal row, burpees in remaining time (score # of burpees)
2) 50/35 AAB cal, max sit ups in remaining time (score # of sit ups)
3) 600m run, max double unders in remaining time (score # of DU)
Each scored separately