Skill: For time (split however)
Teams of 2
100 AAB cals
(if larger class- team of 3 @ 150 cals)
WOD: For time
Partner WOD - Teams of 2 1:1 split as needed
42 Pull-ups (jumping pull ups → Rogue bar pull ups → ring rows)
300 ft Plate Push (4x on turf)
30 Chest-to-Bar (jumping chest to bar → Rogue bar C2B → 1-2 steps forward ring rows)
300 ft Plate Push
18 Bar Muscle-ups* (18 jumping C2B + 18 Push ups → 18 Rogue bar C2B + 18 Push ups → 18 Challenging RR + 18 HR Push Ups)
300 ft Plate Push
75 ft = 1 rep
15 min cap
Score: time/time or time plus missed reps
Teams of 2
100 AAB cals
(if larger class- team of 3 @ 150 cals)
WOD: For time
Partner WOD - Teams of 2 1:1 split as needed
42 Pull-ups (jumping pull ups → Rogue bar pull ups → ring rows)
300 ft Plate Push (4x on turf)
30 Chest-to-Bar (jumping chest to bar → Rogue bar C2B → 1-2 steps forward ring rows)
300 ft Plate Push
18 Bar Muscle-ups* (18 jumping C2B + 18 Push ups → 18 Rogue bar C2B + 18 Push ups → 18 Challenging RR + 18 HR Push Ups)
300 ft Plate Push
75 ft = 1 rep
15 min cap
Score: time/time or time plus missed reps