Strength/Skill: (25 minutes)
Push Press
*rest 90s-2min between sets
WOD: (20 minutes)
For time
60 Cal row
50 Toes-to-bar
40 Wall balls 20/14
30 Cleans 135/95
20 Muscle-ups
Time cap: 20 minutes
EXTRA CREDIT: 3 minute AMRAP pull-ups immediately post-WOD
-Heaviest push press weight (or push press 5RM)
-WOD time
*If capped, uncompleted reps added to time cap as seconds
Coach’s Notes
-Members without any maximal push press weight will establish a 5RM push press
-Some of you may recognize this WOD from the Open in 2014. I’ve tweaked it a bit to see if we can have some members complete one round in 20 minutes.
-Scale toes-to-bar first to knees-to-elbows, then to v-ups, then to sit-ups. NO IN-BETWEENS
-Scale muscle ups to C2B’s, the regular pull-ups, then ring rows