Strength/Skill: (14 minutes)
EMOM 14 minutes
Min 1: 3 L-arm KB sots press
Min 2: 3 R-arm KB sots press
WOD: (12 minutes)
For time
Thrusters 95/65
Time cap: 12 minutes
EXTRA CREDIT: 400m run, rest 1 minute, 400m run immediately post WOD
-Sotts press weight used
-WOD time
*If capped, uncompleted reps added to time cap as seconds
Coach’s Notes
-1-arm KB sots press: from the bottom of a squat position, press the KB from the front rack to the overhead position. The KB should not rest on the shoulders.
-Members lacking the mobility to perform a 1-arm sotts press at any weight will perform the wall squat drill from week 1.