Warm Up: 100 singles, 20 du's (15 attempts), 10 s hs hold, 10 wall balls, 10 db c & j, 10 butterfly sit ups
Mobility: triceps bar smash, lax ball to pecs/lats
Skill Focus: Push Jerk
Warm up to 60% and then. . .
7 x 3 push jerks, 1st set @60% of 1RM push jerk, increase weight each set
100 double unders
80 butterfly sit-ups
60 wall balls 20/14
20 power cleans 155/115
Post heaviest pj weight and time for score
Grass is always greener at CF Jag and the sit ups feel better too. . .
Mobility: triceps bar smash, lax ball to pecs/lats
Skill Focus: Push Jerk
Warm up to 60% and then. . .
7 x 3 push jerks, 1st set @60% of 1RM push jerk, increase weight each set
100 double unders
80 butterfly sit-ups
60 wall balls 20/14
20 power cleans 155/115
Post heaviest pj weight and time for score