"Today, we are going to Snatch ALL DAY"

Paula Jager
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 14:00
Warm up:  2 min of jump rope; 2 x 5 jump squats, 10 ohs, 5 db snatches, 10 swings, Burgner with class

Skill:  Snatch Variations
-power snatch
-hang snatch
-snatch pulls

-E2MOM Complex for 12 minutes of
power snatch, hang snatch (full), OHS: build weight each set, get AHAP w/ proper form/technique


3 x 3 snatch pulls @105% of 1rm snatch or power snatch (whichever is heavier)

8 min ascending ladder
1 power snatch 115#/80#
20 double unders
2 power snatch
20 double unders
3 power snatch. . . etc
Score is heaviest complex and total snatches done in metcon

Happy Happy 45th Birthday to Debbie

Sending the love

Arguing on how much weight to carry which should have been obvious--45# in each hand

We knew she could handle it!
