SKILL: A) 3x :45 Barbell Overhead Hold (Press Grip) 45/35, 1 min rest
FOCUS: Keep midline tight and ribs pulled down. Active shoulders and no over extension of the back
B) 2x 20 Nose to Wall Shoulder Taps, 1 min rest. (Scale: Feet as high as you can on the wall or plank hold shoulder taps)
C) 10 mins to work on Handstand Pushups or Handstand Walks
400m run
15 HSPU (Abmat – Pike off box – Standing DB Strict Press AHAP)
2 Rope Climbs (3 Up Downs with Knee Raise – 12 Ring Rows)
Score is Rounds + reps
FOCUS: Keep midline tight and ribs pulled down. Active shoulders and no over extension of the back
B) 2x 20 Nose to Wall Shoulder Taps, 1 min rest. (Scale: Feet as high as you can on the wall or plank hold shoulder taps)
C) 10 mins to work on Handstand Pushups or Handstand Walks
400m run
15 HSPU (Abmat – Pike off box – Standing DB Strict Press AHAP)
2 Rope Climbs (3 Up Downs with Knee Raise – 12 Ring Rows)
Score is Rounds + reps
Happy 65th birthday Gail!! #GailentinesDay