Skill: 14 minute E2MOM
1 hang power clean, 1 hang clean (squat), 1 squat clean @80% of 1RM squat clean (They can drop the bar, but do not reset. Take one breathing cycle before each rep.)
Tabata Squats & pushups. (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off sprint work)
Air squats @ sprinting pace for 4 minutes (8 sets)
4 minutes rest,
then 4 minutes (8 sets) of push ups
Post weight for E2MOM and lowest tabata rounds
1 hang power clean, 1 hang clean (squat), 1 squat clean @80% of 1RM squat clean (They can drop the bar, but do not reset. Take one breathing cycle before each rep.)
Tabata Squats & pushups. (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off sprint work)
Air squats @ sprinting pace for 4 minutes (8 sets)
4 minutes rest,
then 4 minutes (8 sets) of push ups
Post weight for E2MOM and lowest tabata rounds