Paula Jager
Sunday, March 2, 2014 - 04:35
Warm up:  400 m oh run; every 100 m 10 lunges per leg and 10 triceps push
ups 25#/15#

3 Teams

Tabata mash up:  40 s work/20 s rest
Alternating movements for a total of 8 min at ea station

Truck push/squat thrusts
3min rest
Shuttle run/push ups
3min rest
Tire jumps/swings 55#/35#

1 point for every 50 m truck push, 1 point for every 25 yd run, 1 point for every 10 reps on others
Score is total points for the team


Aaaaah, I think we need a math lesson next wod. . .