Warm Up: 2x: 10 goblet squats, 5 swings, 30 sec kb squat hold, 5 burpees
Skill Focus:
25 minutes to find 1rm front squat
EMOM 15 minutes
Min 1: 10 burpees
Min 2: 10 cal row Min 3: 10 Russian KB swings 70/53
Post squat 1 rm and number completed in the EMOM
Skill Focus:
25 minutes to find 1rm front squat
EMOM 15 minutes
Min 1: 10 burpees
Min 2: 10 cal row Min 3: 10 Russian KB swings 70/53
Post squat 1 rm and number completed in the EMOM
Congrats to all of the PRs in class today!!