Paula Jager
Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 14:57
Warm up:  300 m run/row; 2x 10 Prisoner squats, 10 db shoulder press (light), 10 sit ups, 5 chin ups

Mobility:  Front Rack (bands, pvc), hips/glutes (lax & foam roll)

Skill Focus: Front Squat
Warm up and build to a. . .

Front squat 5 RM (2 or 3 attempts)


Level 3
4 strict chin ups
6, 1 arm db/kb thrusters (3 ea) 50-55#/35#
8 v ups

Level 2
4 chin ups
6, 1 arm db thrusters (3 ea) 40-45#/25-30#
8 v ups

Level 1
4 mod chin ups
6, 1 arm db thrusters (3 ea)
8 v ins
AMRAP in 6 min, rest 2 min, AMRAP in 6 min
Post FS 5RM and #rds for score

Happy Happy 22nd Birthday to Craig!


With the Challenge in full swing and the recent Baseline wods some newcomers seemed a little disappointed at their performance/lifts/times.  You should not be at all.  This is nothing more than a baseline:  where you are today at this moment not where you will be in 8 weeks.  Improvement is key and what you are looking for.  You have 8 weeks to make lifestyle choices that will improve your performance, health and body composition.

For some of you in the Fat Loss & Performance division you are brand new to this "fitness" we call CrossFit --kudos for beginning, some have been out for a few months/several for various reasons--welcome back!

Some of you in the Semi Pro division have only recently embarked on a linear strength progression -- you're not beginners and you're not seasoned veterans -- enjoy this period you are going to PR like crazy.  That stands for Personal Record.

Most of the veterans seemed pretty happy with their results still working on improving and PR'ing -- must mean this stuff works.  So please get your goals in to your assigned coach if have not already done so and remember--it's not the start but the finish that counts!
