2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk
E2MOM 10 minutes
Set 1: 65%
Set 2: 75%
Set 3: 80%
Set 4: 85%
Set 5: 90%
-Percentages are of Push Press
-Athletes without a maximal Push Press will find a 3RM Push Press
3 rounds
4 minute AMRAP
10 Pistols (alt.)
10 Burpees to a 6” target
5 OHS 155/105
5 Strict HSPU
Rest 1 minute between rounds
-10 Pistols/10 Pistols (band asst.)/10 Pistols (box asst.)/20 Air Squats
-10 Burpees to a 6” target/10 Burpees (no target)
-5 OHS 155/105/5 OHS @65% of 1RM
-Athletes without a maximal OHS may use a light weight
-Athletes lacking proper mobility will do Front Squats with a moderate weight, either with a barbell or DB’s
-5 Strict HSPU/5 HSPU (kipping)/5 HSPU (1 Ab-Mat)/5 DB Strict Press AHAP
EMOM 10 minute
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups/Strict Pull-Ups/Negatives
Happy Belated Birthday Tasha!! Looking amazing and kicking butt :]