
Paula Jager
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 07:51
Skill: Front Squats

12 min E90sec – 2 Pause Squats w/ 2 second pause at the bottom @75-85% of 1 RM

WOD: 16.2

12 min AMRAP

25 T2B

50 Double Unders

15 Squat Cleans 135/85

25 T2B

50 DU

13 SC 185/115

25 T2B

50 DU

11 SC 225/145

25 T2B

50 DU

9 SC 275/175


T2B- 25 knee raises → 25 situps

DU- Attempts → 50 Singles

*The Rules* This is just like the Open. Complete the 3 movements within 4 min to move on. But this time, if you don’t complete it, you can keep going…you just can’t increase the weight. So if I make it to 14 SC in the first round at 4 min, I can finish the rest of the AMRAP with the same weight. The individual is responsible for adding on their one weight. They may only have ONE bar. Rep schemes ONLY change if you increase weight. If someone wants to scale, they can stay with 15 SC the entire time with one weight.


RECOVERY IS KEY! Make sure to spend time after your WOD to stretch and mobilize. 
