Post Challenge Wod!!

Paula Jager
Sunday, March 9, 2014 - 04:21
Semi Pro Division

Dynamic warm up
Partner up to verify/count/spot if needed for all but met con

10 min to find power clean 1 rm
10 min 1 attempt (set) max reps back squat 1.15% bw males / bw females
10 min1 attempt max reps strict press 70% bw males / 50% bw females
5 min rest/set up for met con

357 Magnum
3 burpees
5 swings 53#/35#
70 m sprint
AMRAP in 7 min (rds + reps)

**if you lose weight during the challenge you will use your “new” weight post wod.  If you scale the % today you will use the same % post wod
Each and every challenge participant is required to write down their scores.

Fat Loss & Performance Division

Dynamic warm up
Partner up to count/judge reps for each other

300 m shuttle run (must touch down every time except the finish)
Rest 5 min
Max push ups in 1 min (chest must touch ground and full extension at the top)**
Rest 3
Max strict pull ups in 1 min (chin clearly over bar, full extension of elbows)*
Rest 3
Max sit ups in 2 min (hands behind head, feet anchored by partner, elbows must contact outside of knees)
Rest 5
1 mile run for time
Post shuttle time/Max # push ups/pull ups/sit ups/mile time and if mod or rx.
Use same modifications (if needed) both pre and post

Each and every challenge participant is required to write down their scores.

Great close to the Better than Before 2014 Fitness Challenge!!  And congratulations to all of you that made the commitment and saw it through!  Many, many PR's!  Challenge celebration next Friday, March 14th at 7:00 ish pm.  Paleo/Primal Potluck.  Everyone invited--bring family/special someone/friends.  Please sign the sheet in our lobby with what you will be bringing along with how many!

