Warm Up: 400 m run/row, 10 pvc pass thrus, windmills, good mornings, ohs, bo rows, sdhp, 10 ball slams, 10 mb push ups, 10 chest passes w/ partner, 5 inchworms, 5 ring rows/pull ups
Skill Focus: BO Row
Warm up and build to a heavy set of 5. . .
Barbell BO Row 5. 5. 5. 5. 5 (increasing weight each set without sacrificing form – each rep is from the ground)
DB bench press AHAP for 8 – 12 reps per set (if you can do 12 do so, then go up on the next set, if you get 12 again, go up, if you get 7 stay there). This is performed as a superset with 2 min ish between
Partner up and perform at a 1:1
250 m row
15 sdhp 75#/55#
20 evil wheels
6 rds total or 3 rds each for time
Post heaviest BO weight and partner time for score
Pre Wod:
Post Wod: and they're still smiling
Skill Focus: BO Row
Warm up and build to a heavy set of 5. . .
Barbell BO Row 5. 5. 5. 5. 5 (increasing weight each set without sacrificing form – each rep is from the ground)
DB bench press AHAP for 8 – 12 reps per set (if you can do 12 do so, then go up on the next set, if you get 12 again, go up, if you get 7 stay there). This is performed as a superset with 2 min ish between
Partner up and perform at a 1:1
250 m row
15 sdhp 75#/55#
20 evil wheels
6 rds total or 3 rds each for time
Post heaviest BO weight and partner time for score
Pre Wod:
Post Wod: and they're still smiling