Only Prescription Is More Kettlebell

Paula Jager
Friday, February 3, 2017 - 07:42
STRENGTH: 5x 4 Strict Press + AMRAP Push Press

*Start around 60% and move up. If you fail to get 4 or more Push Presses, go back down in weight.

WOD: For Time

50 KB Snatch (53/35)

25 Ring Pushups (sub will be normal pushups then pushups to a box/rogue bar)

50 KB Clean and Jerk (53/35)

25 Ring Pushups

Score is heaviest successful press weight/time

Make sure to come out and see Team Two Peas in a WOD (Kathryn and Kristin) and Team Morning Meatheads (Brad and Thomas) take on CrossFit Tarpon Hunger Games tomorrow at D1 Sports Complex in Citrus Park! These WODs are set to be floaters, so their schedules could change. GOOD LUCK GUYS!
