October 19, 2012

Paula Jager
Friday, October 19, 2012 - 06:42

Friday, October 19, 2012


Warm Up: 2 X 200 m run, 10 wall balls, 10 swings 30#/20#

Skill Focus: Push Press
1 X 8, 1 X 5

Push Press
50% X 3
75% X 2
85% X 1
90-95% X 1
Test 1 rm
Optional: exceed 1 rm


7 split jumps (tot)
7 cl grip mb push ups (both hands on ball)
7 swings
Post pp 1 rm and time for score

Good luck to all our athletes competing tomorrow at the Bay Area Beatdown:  Taylar, Victor, Wes, Matt, Jesse, Scott & Phil!  We'll be loudly cheering you on!

Good luck to Coaches Kate & Janet at the Suncoast Triathlon!


. . . and I didn't even have to say anything!


to Jay, Eric and Gabby!  And a CF Jaguar welcome to our many new members:  Anna, Dimitrios, Teresa, Lora, Cheryl, Ini, Scott, Sandi, Crystal, Erica, Samantha, Lauren, Matt T, Michael B, Meghann, Erin, Melinda, Newgie and Tran!