Warm up: 250 row, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills, 2x 10 db snatches, 10 goblet squat, 10 jump squats, 5 pull ups/ring rows
Skill Focus: DB OHS & DB Snatch
Review form and mod’s for Levels 1 & 2
A few warm up sets and then. . .
Back squat: 8@50%, 6@60%, 4@70%, 2@75%, 1 x max @80%
Level 3
4 db snatch right 50#/30
4 db oh squat right
6 strict pull ups
8 burpee box jumps
6 strict pulls ups
4 db oh squat left
4 db snatch left
Level 2
8 db snatch right 50#/35#
6 pull ups
8 burpee box jumps
6 pull ups
8 db snatch left
Level 1
8 db hps right
6 mod pull ups
8 burpee box jumps or burpee box step up
6 mod pull ups
8 db hps
Post time for score
Skill Focus: DB OHS & DB Snatch
Review form and mod’s for Levels 1 & 2
A few warm up sets and then. . .
Back squat: 8@50%, 6@60%, 4@70%, 2@75%, 1 x max @80%
Level 3
4 db snatch right 50#/30
4 db oh squat right
6 strict pull ups
8 burpee box jumps
6 strict pulls ups
4 db oh squat left
4 db snatch left
Level 2
8 db snatch right 50#/35#
6 pull ups
8 burpee box jumps
6 pull ups
8 db snatch left
Level 1
8 db hps right
6 mod pull ups
8 burpee box jumps or burpee box step up
6 mod pull ups
8 db hps
Post time for score