Paula Jager
Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 14:55
Warm up:  300 m row/run; 2 x 10 prisoner squats, 10 hand release push ups, 10 groiners, 20 mtn climbers

Skill Focus: Front Squat
Warm up and build to . . .

6 x 3 Front squats @5RM from last week

All Levels
4 rds:
:40s max reps db floor press AHAP (averaging 10-15 reps per rd) R :20s rest
:40s max reps burpees L :20s rest
Rest 5 and then. . . in heats of 5. . .

500 m row max effort 1 attempt

Level 3:
Male goal Female goal
Level 2:
Male goal Female goal
Level 1:  as fast as you are capable of, serves as baseline
Post #reps and 500 time


