“Meathead Madness - kthanxbai”

Paula Jager
Saturday, January 2, 2016 - 06:34
Teams of 2:

29 back squats (rack) use 55 – 60% of your 1RM

100 m sprint

29 BB floor press 55-60%

100 m sprint

29 strict pull ups

100 m sprint

29 bb press 55-60%

100 m sprint

29 front squats 55-60%

100 m sprint

29 strict dips

100 m sprint

29 bb curls 65#/45#

100 m sprint

Time cap: 45 minutes

Can start wherever you want in any order; each partner must finish the 29 reps before

going on the sprint together. We have 15 racks (including 3 standing ones) each duo

gets a rack and 1 bb.

Score: time

Day 2. . .

From the infamous Meathead Corner

Rule #1:  Squat


Mother of 4 and 2 soon to be:  and your excuse was?
