March 23, 2012

Paula Jager
Friday, March 23, 2012 - 03:36
Friday, March 23, 2012

Everything is Over

Warm up:  500 m row, 15 pvc pass thrus, 15 pvc ohs

Skill/focus:  OHS
1 x 8, 1 x 5, 1 x 3

OHS 3. 3. 3

400 m oh carry w/ 10 ohs every 100 m 95#/65#  115#/75# rx+
Penalty evertime bar is set down--3 burpess must be done before continuing
Time may be called after the 10 squats at the 400 m finish
Post ohs 3 rm, time and # of penalties for score



But Rocky, Summer made those Paleo nutty brownies for us.