Thursday, March 22, 2012
Beastly Bench
Warm up: TMU 30 s plank hold / 30 s walk out push ups /30 s pvc bo row; 3 x through
Skill/focus: Bench Press
1 x 8, 1 x 5
Bench press 5. 3. 3
1 set for max reps at 80% 3 rm
5 hspu (adv on parallettes for rx+)*
15 pull ups (adv c2b for rx+)*
20 ball slams
Post 3 rm, max reps and time for score
*head must touch single ab mat or floor everytime for rxand rx+ along with chest touching bar for c2b pull ups for rx+
Check out CF Jag's article in March's Natural Muscle mag
Upcoming Events. . .
Parent's Night Out : Friday, March 30th. Drop off your children ages 5 to 12 at 6:30 pm for a brief orientation to our official launch of CrossFit Kids Jaguar program and a fun, fit and healthy evening for them while you and you hit the town or have an evening for yourself. All children must be picked up by 10:00 pm:) No charge but pre resitration is required.
CrossFit Total: Saturday March 31: 8:30 am advanced class, 10:00 am beginners/intermediate. Mandatory sign up, spaces limited
Swimsuit Challenge: 3 categories (most transformed, physique, athletic competition). What are you waiting for? Or do you look that good in your itsy bitsy bikini/speedo already? Official start date is April 1. Get a heads up and start now--email to schedule before photos/
Beastly Bench
Warm up: TMU 30 s plank hold / 30 s walk out push ups /30 s pvc bo row; 3 x through
Skill/focus: Bench Press
1 x 8, 1 x 5
Bench press 5. 3. 3
1 set for max reps at 80% 3 rm
5 hspu (adv on parallettes for rx+)*
15 pull ups (adv c2b for rx+)*
20 ball slams
Post 3 rm, max reps and time for score
*head must touch single ab mat or floor everytime for rxand rx+ along with chest touching bar for c2b pull ups for rx+
- WAR in the concrete jungle
Check out CF Jag's article in March's Natural Muscle mag
Upcoming Events. . .
Parent's Night Out : Friday, March 30th. Drop off your children ages 5 to 12 at 6:30 pm for a brief orientation to our official launch of CrossFit Kids Jaguar program and a fun, fit and healthy evening for them while you and you hit the town or have an evening for yourself. All children must be picked up by 10:00 pm:) No charge but pre resitration is required.
CrossFit Total: Saturday March 31: 8:30 am advanced class, 10:00 am beginners/intermediate. Mandatory sign up, spaces limited
Swimsuit Challenge: 3 categories (most transformed, physique, athletic competition). What are you waiting for? Or do you look that good in your itsy bitsy bikini/speedo already? Official start date is April 1. Get a heads up and start now--email to schedule before photos/