Bring On the Beast
Warm up: 400 m run
-5 hspu, 10 pvc ohs, 5 burpees, 10 pull ups
Skill/focus: OHS
Take 2-3 sets of build your load
1000 m run
30 hspu
30 oh squats 115#/75#
30 burpees
30 dh pull ups
30 clapping push ups
800 m run
for time
LGN Challenge Highlight of the Week: Kim Suarez
Like I said last week we had so many success stories this Challenge that I want to share a few. . .
Kim rocked it this Challenge; she's done 2 others in the past but I don't think she's ever given the all out effort she did this time. She was overheard saying "I busted my ass." LOL yes you did. Kim lost 16.5 lbs and 5.7% body fat during the 8 week challenge. In addition to that she met her goal of running a mile sub 10 min and climbed to the top of the rope.
She was always strong but the improvements in the last 8 weeks in her energy, endurance and wod times have soared! A few of the coaches were observing her last night and we think she's leaned out even more since the challenge ended last week. She was also overheard saying "there's no stopping me now." You know Kim, I don't think there is. . .