March 16, 2013

Paula Jager
Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 07:10
Saturday, March 16, 2013


Warm up:  team assignment, set up; 400 m run, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 back
ext, 10 pull ups; 2 x Samson stretch as group


Teams of 4

Event #1:  25 yd prowler sprints / 20 butterfly sit ups = 1 rd
Event #2:  10 tire flips / 10 tire jumps = 1 rd (in & out = 1 jump)
Event #3:  100 m ball relay (1:1 work/rest) 100 m = 1 rd
Event #4:  50 m under run, 15 m bear crawl, 15 m crab walk = 1 rd
(penalty for knocking down the under bar is. . .10 team burpees)

AMRAP at ea station in 8 min, 3 min rest btwn events.
Score total rds per team per event

Congratulations to Coach Kim on her first muscle up!
