Warm Up: 2 min jumprope, mobility, 3 x 10 ball slams, 10 db snatches, 10 mtn clmbrs
Mobility: Foam rolling (legs, posterior chain, open shoulders), glute bridges, downward dog variations
Skill/focus: Burgener warm up - muscle snatch/power snatch, du to snatch transition, double under brief
WOD 14.1
Levels 2 & #
30 du's15 power snatch 75#/55
Level 1
30 du's (10 attempts + 30 singles)
15 power snatches or alt db snatches
AMRAP in 10 min
Mobility: Foam rolling (legs, posterior chain, open shoulders), glute bridges, downward dog variations
Skill/focus: Burgener warm up - muscle snatch/power snatch, du to snatch transition, double under brief
WOD 14.1
Levels 2 & #
30 du's15 power snatch 75#/55
Level 1
30 du's (10 attempts + 30 singles)
15 power snatches or alt db snatches
AMRAP in 10 min