Skill: 8 min EMOM
10 Heavy Wall Balls 35-50#/25- 35# (black balls for RX) Catch the ball – it is mandatory
Everyone should use a heavier ball than normal, even if they’re not performing RX
5 rounds, every 4 minutes complete:
400m Run
12 TTB sub 16 Knee2Elbow, Knee Raises, Dragon Flags or Sit Ups
Score: E4MOM Rounds Completed
10 Heavy Wall Balls 35-50#/25- 35# (black balls for RX) Catch the ball – it is mandatory
Everyone should use a heavier ball than normal, even if they’re not performing RX
5 rounds, every 4 minutes complete:
400m Run
12 TTB sub 16 Knee2Elbow, Knee Raises, Dragon Flags or Sit Ups
Score: E4MOM Rounds Completed