Just Plain Old Vanilla

Paula Jager
Thursday, February 2, 2017 - 12:23
Skill: Toes 2 Bar (Knees to Elbow – Weighted Situp (45/25)

10 min EMOM, add 1 rep each minute

1 rep the first minute

2 reps on the second minute

3 reps on the third minute

And so on.

*When an athlete fails to make desired rep count in that minute, they will start back over at one rep and continue going up by 1 each minute.

*If an athlete has made it successfully through all 9 rounds, the 10th round/minute becomes as many reps as possible

WOD: Teams of 2


30 Cal Row

30 Box Jumps (24/20)

200m run (each)

20 Goblet Squats (53/35)

*Reps may be split however. Both partners will run, but will alternate.

*If large class, may use AAB along with rower or make teams of 3 with increased reps

Score is total t2b reps/rounds + reps

