June 27, 2011

Paula Jager
Monday, June 27, 2011 - 11:37
Monday, June 27, 2011

Pull Out

Warm up:  tmu of jumprope/pvc high pulls

Skill/focus:  High Pull
2-3 sets to build load

High Pull 5. 5. 5
and then. . .

10 db sdhp 35-40#/20-30#
10 snatch (5 ea)
10 ohs (5 ea side)
Post 5 rm and time for score


Holiday Schedule
Sat, July 2:  8:30 am class as usual
Mon, July 4:  one class only at 9:00 am but don't worry--it will be a good one!

Tough Mudder:  Those of you planning on participating in the Tough Mudder event, Sat. Dec. 3rd need to sign up, the price is going up asap and we would like to solidfy our team.  If you are fairly commited to doing the event please email Coach Amy, who is heading up the event.  She needs to have an approximate idea of how many people will be on our team.  amycazin@gmail.com
