July 6, 2011

Paula Jager
Wednesday, July 6, 2011 - 13:06
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weighted Dips

Warm up:  2 min jumprope, 3 x 5 of
-pass thrus, dips, expl push ups, ring rows

Weighted ring dips x 4-6
4 sets
rest 2-3 min btwn sets

10 ring dips
10 push press 115#/75#
10 swings 55#/35#
AMRAP in 12 min
Post dip rm and # rds for score

Tough Mudder Orientation:  Sat. July 9th at 10 am.  Anyone doing or considering doing the event is encouraged to attend.  Detailed training plans/schedule will be discussed.


"Where are the new obesity drugs?"  This ridiculous article by "Dr." Ken Fujioka appeared in Sunday's Tampa Tribune as well as in several leading newspapers across the nation https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/where-are-the-new-obesity-drugs/2011/06/22/AGh1e3hH_story.html

At first when my husband handed me the paper I thought it was some kind of joke.  "Dr." Fujioka treats overweight patients for a living."  One look around any public place in any major city in America will show plenty of qualified applicants.  While he states that he "encourages patients to diet and exercise, those tools alone are not a realistic solution."  Really?  And what pray tell does he suggest?  He feels drugs are the answer and is frustrated that the FDA has not approved more due to their risks.  While I agree wholeheartedly that diabetes, cardiovascular disease and degenerative joint disease are serious risks of obesityand need to be addressed his suggestions are more in line with an extremely ignorant person or that of a greedy unethical bastard.

With his level of education one would expect he would be well aware that type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome are solely a product of diet and lifestyle.  However, that can't be patented.  If more efforts were put into education and prevention by treating the cause rather than the symptoms the problem could eventually be controlled if not eradicated.  That too cannot be patented.  It is just another glaring example of the corrupt medical system in America-- bedfellows with Pharma Cartel and the government.

"Ken Fujioka, a diabetologist and Internal medicine specialist, directs the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center and the Center for Weight Management and is a member of the Division of Diabetes and Endorcinology at the Scripps Clinie - Del mar in San Diego.  He has conducted clinical research in collaboration with multiple companies developing drugs related to treating obesity."  Translation:  line my pocket, I'll line yours and to hell with the patient.

Fortunately for us we know what eating right and exercising properly can do to keep one fit, healthy and free of metabolic syndrome. . .
