Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Pull & Push
Warm up: row 500 m, 15 iron crosses ea side, 15 scorpians, 15 passes foam rolling T spine
1000 m row for time
rest 5 min
e2mom for 10 min
80% deadlift 3/5/7/5/3
amrap of pus ups in the remaining time
Post row time/total # push ups for score
and welcome back from Iraq!
Pull & Push
Warm up: row 500 m, 15 iron crosses ea side, 15 scorpians, 15 passes foam rolling T spine
1000 m row for time
rest 5 min
e2mom for 10 min
80% deadlift 3/5/7/5/3
amrap of pus ups in the remaining time
Post row time/total # push ups for score
and welcome back from Iraq!